Crackers and Letters

“Appa, the crackers!” Manu said for the thirtieth time since morning, as he pulled my lungi looking up at me. His baby face had the same smile I woke up every day to see. He perhaps thought that there was enough money inside his father’s pocket to buy the whole of uncle Babu’s firecracker shop.… Continue reading Crackers and Letters

The Traffic Signal

Running late, I stared at the traffic signal that showed fifteen seconds to green. The black Yamaha FZ’s engine seemed to compete with the scorching sun above, as I cursed myself for wearing a leather jacket. And the helmet. And all the other things that were glued to my skin. “Do you have some change?”… Continue reading The Traffic Signal

Demon in the closet

As I lie back and close my eyes to another night, I feel the demon in the closet readying to spite. As my blood runs cold in the veins and the heart beats wild, I prepare myself for a run-in: elusive, yet profiled. I notice that I’ve grown much weaker, As my body has amassed… Continue reading Demon in the closet

We All Play Mario.

Super Mario is the best game I have ever played. Or probably, it reminds me so much of the zeitgeist of my childhood – the innumerable bouts of amusement my brother and I had together (Mario’s younger brother Luigi thus gets an honorary mention) – that my judgement fails to be impartial. Or wait! It could… Continue reading We All Play Mario.


A poster at my home says, “Read, Write, Learn and Inwardly Digest.” I remember placing that poster up there 14 years ago with my brother, and it gets only occasional bits of admiration for the painting that encompasses most part of it. What is written there at the bottom is gracefully ignored, as it generally seems banal when you… Continue reading Digestion

The Little Princess

She should have been in the kindergarten playing with other kids, but she was out there barefoot in the scathing heat of the noon. Her clothes were ragged and her hair resembled spider-web tinted in the dusty smog of the traffic. Instead of doodling with the crayons, her tender hands held an over-sized aluminium plate… Continue reading The Little Princess

“Prajnanam Brahma”

Knowledge is divine is what everybody infers from the above line from the Rig Veda. As Sanskrit is hardly studied in depth in the current timeline, inner meanings of several verses of wisdom are often lost. Likewise is the case with Prajnanam Brahma. I studied in one of the Navodaya Vidyalayas, where this line happens to be… Continue reading “Prajnanam Brahma”

Working in Empty Spaces

Because it’s almost a month now that I wrote something, I took some time to sit back and think. I remember reading Umberto Eco‘s interview to The Hindu (link here) in our textbooks back in my 11th standard. It was one of my favorite chapters, primarily because I myself was tremendously passionate of being an… Continue reading Working in Empty Spaces

Using Wikipedia Offline

Did you know that the entire Wikipedia can be stored on your disk and you can access it when you are offline? Oh Yes! WikiTaxi is the magic tool you would need! Wikipedia regularly dumps its data so that it could be used by other applications, and you just need to download one of those… Continue reading Using Wikipedia Offline